Brand Development

Graphic teaser image for a blog titled “Business Name Basics: Building an Authentic Brand from the Ground Floor”

Business Name Basics: Building an Authentic Brand from the Ground Floor

If you’re here, it’s likely because you’ve faced the challenge of finding the perfect business name, only to discover it’s not available. Today, let’s navigate this common hurdle together and learn how to avoid it in the future. As you read through this blog, keep these guiding questions in mind: The Birth of Aducate To […]

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A photo collage of women standing in front of a wall covered in post-it notes

Localize your Franchise Brand

Were you given access to CRM software but no training on how to use it? Are you given social media posts that seem vague and don’t get the likes you want? When you ask to make a change to your website, are you encouraged to upgrade your subscriptions? Has your marketing budget ballooned out of control? If so, you might be a floundering franchise owner. Take control of your business by understanding the processes needed to run it. Read more.

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