Author name: Nicole Kurtz

Teaser image for a blog post titled “The Future of Google and SEO for Early-Stage Entrepreneurs.”

Understanding the Future of Google and SEO: Insights for Early-Stage Entrepreneurs

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, understanding the fundamentals of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial for early-stage entrepreneurs. SEO isn’t a quick fix but a gradual process that builds visibility over time. Beware of overnight promises from dubious ‘experts’—these often involve shortcuts that can harm your online presence. Instead, focus on sustainable strategies that align with your business goals. As Google navigates an era of AI-driven search, SEO remains foundational. It ensures your content is discoverable and relevant, regardless of technological shifts. Stay informed, implement best practices, and watch your business thrive in the digital landscape.

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The teaser image for a blog titled “Why Webinars Usually Suck”

Why Webinars (Usually) Suck

Discover why webinars (usually) suck in this insightful blog that delves into the common pitfalls of these virtual events. From unprepared hosts to underwhelming content, the accessibility issues plaguing webinars are dissected with practical solutions. Drawing from diverse learning styles and personal experiences, we offer invaluable tips to transform your webinar hosting skills and bridge the barriers to entry, ensuring engagement and effectiveness for all attendees. Whether you’re a seasoned host or a novice, this post promises to revolutionize your approach to webinars and elevate your audience’s experience.

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Graphic teaser image for a blog titled “Business Name Basics: Building an Authentic Brand from the Ground Floor”

Business Name Basics: Building an Authentic Brand from the Ground Floor

If you’re here, it’s likely because you’ve faced the challenge of finding the perfect business name, only to discover it’s not available. Today, let’s navigate this common hurdle together and learn how to avoid it in the future. As you read through this blog, keep these guiding questions in mind: The Birth of Aducate To

Business Name Basics: Building an Authentic Brand from the Ground Floor Read More »

A teaser image for a blog titled “Aducate Digital’s 2023 Recap”

A Year of Growth and Learning: Aducate Digital’s 2023 Recap

As the year comes to a close, join us in revisiting Aducate Digital’s journey through a whirlwind of projects, partnerships, and invaluable insights. From crafting strategic marketing roadmaps for clients like AD TechWorx to imparting wisdom on a podcast, 2023 has been nothing short of extraordinary. Dive into our blog for a sneak peek into the magic that happened this year – from impactful presentations to being featured on air. Cheers to a year of success, learning, and the promise of exciting ventures ahead!

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A photo collage of women standing in front of a wall covered in post-it notes

Localize your Franchise Brand

Were you given access to CRM software but no training on how to use it? Are you given social media posts that seem vague and don’t get the likes you want? When you ask to make a change to your website, are you encouraged to upgrade your subscriptions? Has your marketing budget ballooned out of control? If so, you might be a floundering franchise owner. Take control of your business by understanding the processes needed to run it. Read more.

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A close up of a microphone

Listen to “This is Not a Marketing Episode”

In this Episode of Outsourced, Omar waxes philosophical with guest Nicole Kurtz, Founder of Aducate Digital. The “long time pre-pandemic” buddies engage in a Foucault-style discussion on the current state of marketing. The rise of pay-per-click ads and AI generated content is creating a simulation of what people actually want rather than solving the problem. How do you effectively cut through the noise with your marketing strategy on a limited budget? Listen to learn more!

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