
Ready for Growth: Evaluate Your Marketing Strategy

{“results”:{“lrvzt”:{“id”:”lrvzt”,”title”:”Plenty of room to grow”,”image”:””,”imageId”:””,”desc”:”Thank you for taking the time to complete this assessment. Your willingness to engage in evaluating your marketing strategy is commendable and marks the first step toward growth and improvement. Based on your assessment results, it appears that there is significant room for improvement in various aspects of your marketing strategy. […]

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Teaser image for a quiz titled Archetype Analyzer: Find Your Brand Identity

Archetype Analyzer: Find Your Brand Identity

{“results”:{“ibrhp”:{“id”:”ibrhp”,”title”:”The Regular Guy”,”image”:”https:\/\/www.aducatedigital.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/02\/Aducate-Digital_Brand-Quiz_The-Regular-Guy-Result-Image.png”,”imageId”:”5586″,”desc”:”The Regular Guy Archetype is down-to-earth. They\u2019ve worked hard to develop authentic solid virtues. They value everyday functionality. They\u2019re honest, dependable straight shooters. Their people-first attitude sets an expectation that they are on the same level as their customer. These brands treat everyone as equals through empathy and humility.\r\n\r\nIKEA, Gap, and Walmart are

Archetype Analyzer: Find Your Brand Identity Read More »

Title graphic for the self-assessment quiz called “Find Your Tribe: Discover Your Ideal Target Audience”

Find Your Tribe: Discover Your Ideal Target Audience with this Quiz

{“results”:{“xa0k1”:{“id”:”xa0k1″,”title”:”The Belongers”,”image”:”https:\/\/www.aducatedigital.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/02\/The-Belongers-1.jpg”,”imageId”:”5576″,”desc”:”Belongers find solace in blending seamlessly with their families, friends, and communities. They cherish the common ground they share with others, always striving to maintain harmony and avoid standing out. For Belongers, the fear of isolation and the desire for stability drive their actions, leading them to prioritize conformity over individuality. In a world

Find Your Tribe: Discover Your Ideal Target Audience with this Quiz Read More »

Title graphic for a self-assessment quiz called “Crack the code: is your website a hit or a miss?”

Crack the Code: Is Your Website a Hit or a Miss?

{“results”:{“wmr3n”:{“id”:”wmr3n”,”title”:”Needs Work”,”image”:”https:\/\/www.aducatedigital.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/Website-Quiz-Result_Needs-Work-Image.jpg”,”imageId”:”5555″,”desc”:”Well this is embarrassing. Your website needs work, but don’t give up! Let’s embark on a journey to assess and elevate your digital game together. Read through our blogs to find DIY tips to put into action. We’re also happy to help – schedule a free consultation with us at: https:\/\/www.aducatedigital.com\/contact-us\/”,”redirect_url”:””},”wldl1″:{“id”:”wldl1″,”title”:”Good Start”,”image”:”https:\/\/www.aducatedigital.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/Website-Quiz-Result_Good-Start-Image.jpg”,”imageId”:”5556″,”desc”:”You’ve got a

Crack the Code: Is Your Website a Hit or a Miss? Read More »

Title graphic for a self-assessment quiz called ‘Ready to Grow or Status Quo?”

Ready to Grow or Status Quo?

{“results”:{“1k2ss”:{“id”:”1k2ss”,”title”:”Hunch Bunch”,”image”:”https:\/\/www.aducatedigital.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/01\/Quiz-Result_Hunch-Bunch-image.png”,”imageId”:”5549″,”desc”:”You’re testing the waters before diving in. You’ve got an idea for a business, but you’re unsure if it’s worth quitting your day job yet. You want to explore these exciting new opportunities, but you don’t want it to break your bank.\r\nYour goal right now is to quickly generate interest and attract leads. We

Ready to Grow or Status Quo? Read More »

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